Local Businesses

To list your Ingham or neighbouring business here, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page. Out of area listings accepted at a cost of £50/year.

Cardboard kits of scientific instruments and educational models that REALLY WORK
Landell, Brick Kiln Lane, Ingham, NR12 9SX
Tel: 07864 912372
Email: astromediashop@gmail.com
Web: www.astromediashop.co.uk

Barking Mad
Bespoke dog sitting/boarding service
Sevenoaks, Calthorpe Street, Ingham, NR12.
Tel: 01692 584713
Email: sharon.booden@barkingmad.uk.com
Web: www.barkingmad.uk.com/local/norfolk/norwich

Broadland Cattery
Purpose built cattery for all of your cats needs – Lots of cuddles guaranteed!
Greenacres, Brick Kiln Lane, Ingham, NR12 9SY.
Tel: 01692 580202
Email: enquiries@broadlandcattery.co.uk
Web: www.broadlandcattery.co.uk

Broadland Computers
New and used PC Sales, upgrades, repairs and web site design
Greenacres, Brick Kiln Lane, Ingham, NR12 9SY.
Tel: 01692 581766
Email: enquiries@broadlandcomputers.co.uk
Web: www.broadlandcomputers.co.uk

Broads Services
For all your gardening needs and oil fired boiler maintenance
Oak Lodge, The Loke, Ingham, NR12 0TF
Tel: 07745 721332
Email: broadsservices@outlook.com

Causeway Butchers
Causeway Farm, Sea Palling Road, Ingham, NR12 0TO.
Tel: 01692 580886
Email: n/a
Web: n/a

Cooks of Ingham Farmshop
Bouindary Farm, Sea Palling Road, Ingham, NR12 0TS
Tel: 01692 58202
Email: mailto:enquiries@cooksofingham.co.uk
Web: www.cooksofingham.co.uk

E.V. Solutions
Specialists in efficient, lightweight electric propulsion systems and vehicles since 1998
Landell, Brick Kiln Lane, Ingham, NR12 0SX
Tel: 07707 237070
Email: andreas.schroeer@twike.co.uk
Web: www.ev-solutions.co.uk

ETF Electrical
Quality electrical installation services for domestic and commercial customers
Hall Farm House, Stalham Road, Sea Palling, NR12 0TX
Tel: 07817 754568
Email: info@etfelectrical.co.uk
Web: www.etfelectrical.co.uk

Foot health professional, able to care for your foot health
Brackenburry Cottage, Stubb Road, Hickling NR12 0BW
Tel: 07469 960152
Email: Kaylee.tegner@gmail.com
Web: http://www.feetopia.co.uk

Frontier Agriculture
The UK’s leading crop inputs and grain marketing business
Town Road, Ingham, NR12 9TA
Tel: 01692 580781
Email: Please use contact form on Frontier website
Web: www.frontierag.co.uk

Holly Farm Assthetics
Luxury facial treatments, microdermabrasion and LED facial therapy, holistic treatments, hopi ear candling massage and more 
Iris Cottage, Holly farm, Calthorpe street, Ingham, NR12 9TF
Tel: 07890 484818
Web: www.hollyfarmaesthetics.com

Jane The Dog Groomer in the Broads
Friendly, qualified dog groomer. From bath and tidy to full grooms.
Dovecote, Doves Corner, Stalham Road, Hickling, NR12 0XS
Tel: 01692 598823
Email: ambrosejane0@gmail.com

Designers and manufacturers of ambient light displays
3 Whinmere cottages, Whinmere Road, Hickling, NR12 0BA
Tel: 07745 231471
Email: info@ledience.com
Web: www.ledience.com

Martina Blake Counselling & Psychotherapy
Short or long term counselling and psychotherapy for adults
Sea Palling Road, Ingham, NR12 0TW
Tel: 01692 558725
Email: martina@martinablake.com
Web: www.martinablake.com

Oneway Services
Well established Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning business
Goose Lodge, The Loke, Ingham, NR12 0TF
Tel: 01692 581981
Email: not known
Web: not known

Pauls Bricklaying Services
Qualified bricklayer. Brickwork, Patio’s, Driveways’s etc
15 Mill Close, Hickling, NR12 0YT
Tel: 01692 598179 or 07376 781399
Email: paulsmut@hotmail.com
Web: www.paulsmut.wixsite.com/paul

Sarah Scott Art
Contemporary paintings, printmaking, photography and much more!
Studio Gallery, Town House, Ingham, NR12 9AB
Tel: 01692 580274
Email: sarahscottart@hotmail.co.uk
Web: www.sarahscottart.co.uk

The Ingham Swan
14th Century Coaching Inn transformed into beautiful 50 seat restaurant
The Ingham Swan, Sea Palling Road, Ingham, NR12 9AB
Tel: 01692 581099
Email: info@theinghamswan.co.uk
Web: www.theinghamswan.co.uk

To list your business here, please fill in the form below with your full details.