Welcome To Ingham Village

Parish Magazine – The latest edition of the parish magazine is available here, we hope you enjoy it.

If you have any comments or suggestions for inclusion in future publications, please let us know. You may email us at magazine@inghamvillage.co.uk.

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Ingham is a small village in the county of Norfolk. It is 1 mile from the market town of Stalham, and 2 miles from the North Norfolk coast.

An active Village Hall Committee and PCC host numerous regular events so please get in touch with one of the representatives if you wish to help out either group, or find out more about what’s going on at The Church or The Village Hall on our respective pages.

The Parish Council meet in the village hall and any member of the public is welcome to attend.

The village has its own cricket ground which was home of Ingham & District Cricket Club until 1999 when the club merged with Norwich Barleycorns to form Norwich Cricket Club.

We have a public house called The Swan. It is one of two public houses tied to Woodforde’s Brewery of Woodbastwick. The original building was built in the 14th Century and was part of Ingham Priory until its destruction under Henry VIII in the 16th Century.

Village History (source Wikipedia)

Ingham is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as the village of Hincham in the hundred of Happing.

The Lordship of Ingham was possessed at a very early date by the Ingham family. An Oliver de Ingham was living in 1183 and a John de Ingham is known to have been Lord in the reign of Richard I. The great grandson of John, the distinguished Oliver Ingham lived here and his son-in-law Miles Stapleton of Bedale, Yorkshire, inherited by right of his wife.

Ingham Old Hall has its origins in the medieval times having been built circa 1320. In the fourteenth century the Hall was inhabited by the local Lord of the Manor, Sir Miles Stapleton, whose tomb stands in Ingham’s Holy Trinity church alongside that of his father in law, Sir Oliver de Ingham.